Show & Presentation Schedule Application Form

AW25 Copenhagen Fashion Week Nicklas Skovgaard Backstage Bryndis Thorsteinsdottir 31 jpg

Applications for the SS26 Official Show & Presentation Schedule are now open.

To be considered for Copenhagen Fashion Week's official schedule and CPHFW NEWTALENT, brands are required to submit an application using the form below. All applications are handled by Copenhagen Fashion Week's Show and Sustainability Screening Committee, made up of industry professionals, both domestic and international.

Copenhagen Fashion Week will present a schedule of four days made up of the best of leading and emerging Nordic brands to a global audience.

For further information on the application process, application fee and key dates reference the Show & Presentation Schedule Information page.

General information

Categories *

Contact person This will be the main point of contact for all communication pertaining to the brand’s application
Show information

Applying for *

Format applying for *

Have you previously been a part of CPHFW’s Official Show & Presentation Schedule? *

Other Fashion Weeks participation *

Preferred show / presentation slot Please note that these are requests that cannot be guaranteed

2nd show slot option

3rd show slot option

CPHFW NEWTALENT scheme Dedicated to nurture, develop and promote emerging Nordic talent on a global scale, Copenhagen Fashion Week is proud to announce CPHFW NEWTALENT scheme. As a brand part of CPHFW NEWTALENT scheme, you are an active member and automatically accepted to the Official Show Schedule for a total of 3 consecutive seasons. After 3 seasons, one will move on to becoming part of CPHFW NEWTALENT Alumni scheme.

Year of establishment Maximum 5 years in business

CPHFW Sustainability Requirements All applicants to the official show & presentation schedule must submit the Sustainability Requirements survey. For the SS26 edition brands must not live up to the Minimum Standards yet. Though, it marks the final pilot phase of the revised Sustainability Requirements framework for brands to learn and implement required actions. Brands are expected to live up to the Minimum Standards by the AW26 edition of CPHFW (January 2026). Once admitted to the official show & presentation schedule, CPHFW’s Sustainability team will screen the survey answers and provide feedback to the admitted brands during this Spring/Summer. It will then be mandatory for admitted brands to take part in 1:1 meetings with CPHFW’s Sustainability team to lay out next steps to meet the Minimum Standards if not already achieved. The Sustainability Survey
(Deadline for submitting the Sustainability Survey: 7 April 2025)
Application Terms By submitting this form, you agree to Copenhagen Fashion Week's Show & Presentation Terms and Conditions and that all brands with above DKK 1 million annual turnover will be charged an application fee of DKK 2500. The fee is regardless of resulting decision to be a part of the Official Copenhagen Fashion Week Show & Presentation Schedule. View full price list.

Show & Presentation Terms and Conditions *