SS26 Show & Presentation Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions pertaining to all brands applying and taking part of the Copenhagen Fashion Week show & presentation schedule SS26.
Application Terms
When submitting an application to be considered for the Copenhagen Fashion Week official show & presentation schedule through the online application form, personal data about the applicant and the represented brand is collected. This collection of personal data is essential for Copenhagen Fashion Week to pursue its legitimate interest in operating as an organisation. The application form data will be gathered by Copenhagen Fashion Week and shared with necessary third parties, including the Official Copenhagen Fashion Week Show Committee and relevant partners of Copenhagen Fashion Week.
Upon receipt of the application, an invoice will be issued, which must be paid by 7th of April.
CPHFW Use of Imagery and Videography
Copenhagen Fashion Week reserves the rights to use any audio/visual content, including imagery and video, captured by our photographers and videographers. Furthermore, Copenhagen Fashion Week will share all runway, backstage and street style imagery across the official image bank that third parties have the rights to use for editorial and social media purposes. This excludes the right for third parties to use the above mentioned assets for commercial purposes.
The primary purpose of reserving these rights is to enable Copenhagen Fashion Week to share the highlights of the event with the press, media and the public. This means that any images or videos captured by our partners may be used in press releases, social media posts, news articles, and other promotional materials that are aimed at promoting the event.
In addition, Copenhagen Fashion Week may also use this content for out of home promotional marketing assets. This could include billboards, posters, digital billboards, digital place-based ads, bus shelters, buses and other forms of advertising that are aimed at attracting attention to the event.
Music Rights
Brands partaking in Copenhagen Fashion Week have the responsibility to clarify music rights with Koda when being the provider of the music on their own platforms, such as streaming on their own websites and social media channels, as well as physical shows and events.
Obtaining the consents and permissions is solely the brand’s responsibility and Copenhagen Fashion Week will refer any claim of any such inadequate agreements to the Brand.
Official Show & Presentation Schedule Participation
All brands must adhere to CPHFW's Minimum Standards pertaining to their show production. This includes:
- Set design and show production is zero waste*
- Do not utilise single-use plastic packaging backstage during fashion week but offer recyclable, recycled or repurposable alternatives
- Offset or inset the carbon footprint of the show
- Are signatory of the Danish Fashion Ethical Charter and consider diversity and inclusivity when casting models
*It is mandatory for all participating show brands to have trash sorting in place at their show location. It is up to the brands themselves to organise this, e.g. through the venue, a trash sorting provider or the likes.
At the show & presentation day, a Copenhagen Fashion Week representative must be given access to brands backstage area to review their compliance to the above Minimum Standards. Additional documentation can be submitted by the brand within a month after their show or presentation. If the brands show or presentation production does not comply to the requirements of the Minimum Standards, brands will receive a warning according to CPHFW’s 3-step warning system:
- First warning: Personal outreach from CPHFW team to adjust for next time where flagged
- Second warning: Personal outreach from CPHFW team to adjust for next time where flagged and fee will be raised
- Third warning: Implication on preference for the show & presentation schedule slot or total exclusion of participation
Mandatory communication guidelines for CPHFW’s Minimum Standards Brands living up to CPHFW’s Minimum Standards are required to follow mandatory communication guidelines informed by the Sustainability Requirements brand communication package. When completing the Sustainability Requirements survey, you will get an overall survey score, however you will only get screened and verified for the Minimum Standards. The score is for your self-assessment only and should not be shared externally. In cases where Copenhagen Fashion Week flag misleading communication about brands’ Minimum Standards verification or misuse of the Minimum Standard stamp, brand must correct or take down the content.
Sustainability Requirements Survey
Copenhagen Fashion Week may publish reports based on the findings of the Sustainability Requirements survey responses on an aggregate level, not disclosing any brand-specific data.
Model Casting
All brands showcasing on the official show & presentation schedule must provide medical certificates for models who are not signed to a Danish model agency. Danish models must undergo a health check. If the health check is completed at the age of 22, it remains valid for the rest of the model's career. Casting sheets in Excel or PDF format must be submitted after fashion week and should include only the models' full name, agency, and social media handle.
Further information on this is provided in the brand handbook.
Payment Terms
A criterion for participation in Copenhagen Fashion Week is to strictly follow the payment terms. Invoices which remain unpaid will result in the brand’s exclusion from the show & presentation schedule.
Application Fee Payment Terms
All brands applying for the Copenhagen Fashion Week official show & presentation schedule will receive an invoice for the application fee shortly after receipt of the application. This invoice must be paid before 7th of April in order to secure the review of your application.
Show Schedule Fee Payment Terms
All brands confirmed for the Copenhagen Fashion Week official show & presentation schedule are required to pay the 1st invoice of 50% of the show & presentation schedule fee before the 2nd of May in order to be included in the brand line up announcement.
Brands will receive the 2nd invoice of the remaining 50% of the show & presentation schedule fee including the sustainability fee on the 23rd of May, which must be paid by the 23rd of June pre SS26 edition of Copenhagen Fashion Week.
To note, should any presentation brand host a single runway format in their ascribed presentation slot, they will be charged the runway format schedule fee. This is to dissuade any designers from showcasing in a way that can be deemed un-collaborative to the surrounding show brands, the guests and the fashion week at large.
In case a brand decides to cancel participation after the 20th of May, the show & presentation schedule fee will not be reimbursed.
A cancellation fee of 4.000 DKK will apply for accepted brands that pull out of the show & presentation schedule later than the 8th of May.
Pricing for Runway Shows
Prices for runway shows part of the official show & presentation schedule package for participating runway brands reflects the annual turnover:
- < 1 million DKK: 9.000 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 450 DKK)
- 1-20 million DKK: 15.500 (+ sustainability fee of 1000 DKK)
- 20-50 million DKK: 32.500 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 2000 DKK)
- 50-100 million DKK: 36.500 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 2400 DKK)
- 100+ million DKK: 40.500 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 2400 DKK)
- Design schools: 6.500 DKK (no sustainability fee)
- CPHFW NEWTALENT scheme seasonal recipients 0 DKK
All brands must furthermore pay an application fee of 2.500 DKK. Please note, all brands with less than one million DKK in annual turnover will not be charged an application fee.
Sustainability Fee
The sustainability fee covers investment into emission reduction activities that are relevant brand-overarchingly and screening fee of brands’ Sustainability Requirements surveys each season. The details about the investments will be reported on in CPHFW’s annual reports.
Pricing for Presentations
Prices for the complete official show & presentation schedule package for participating brands reflects the annual turnover:
- < 1 million DKK: 5.000 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 450 DKK)
- 1-20 million DKK: 11.000 (+ sustainability fee of 1000 DKK)
- 20-50 million DKK: 20.000 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 2000 DKK)
- 50-100 million DKK: 23.000 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 2400 DKK)
- 100+ million DKK: 28.000 DKK (+ sustainability fee of 2400 DKK)
- Design schools: 4.000 DKK (no sustainability fee)
- CPHFW NEWTALENT scheme seasonal recipients 0 DKK
All brands must furthermore pay an application fee of 2.500 DKK. Please note, all brands with less than one million DKK in annual turnover will not be charged an application fee.
Sustainability Fee
The sustainability fee covers investment into emission reduction activities that are relevant brand-overarchingly and screening fee of brands’ Sustainability Requirements surveys each season. The details about the investments will be reported on in CPHFW’s annual reports.
CPHFW NEWTALENT Production Costs
For the 3 seasons that CPHFW NEWTALENT brands are an active member of the scheme, there will be no show & presentation schedule fee related to their placement on the official show & presentation schedule. However, costs related to show production, including but not limited to model casting, venue, PR agency, lights, runway production, must be covered by the brand.
Livestreaming of Official Shows
All brands are required to profesionally livestream their showcases. All brands are expected to provide a high quality production livestream of their physical shows to ensure a wider global audience and reach. CPHFW streams all show schedule content via each brand’s livestreaming production company to the official CPHFW homepage and the brand’s dedicated page on Brands are encouraged to choose the platform on which they wish to livestream (IG/TikTok/YouTube/Vimeo, etc.) and must ensure that the stream will be transmitted to CPHFW’s livestreaming production partner.
Data Protection
When participating in Copenhagen Fashion Week, brands will provide personal data, mainly those mentioned in the application form. Processing of personal data may occur for the purposes of CPHFW being able to operate during the event. Accordingly, any personal data may be disclosed to other independent data controllers such as Livestreaming partners, Music rights institutions, Sustainability Partners, CPHFW’s commercial partners, and collaborators for the purposes of the brand to be able to participate in the show & presentation schedule. Any processing of personal data is subject to all necessary security procedures and will be deleted when storage hereof is no longer required or necessary.
For CPHFW to operate effectively and provide the services expected by the industry and other partners, all brands must adhere to the deadlines communicated by the CPHFW team. CPHFW has the right to step back from an agreement with a brand if deadlines are not met.